The Sumerian Gilgamesh Epic, The Oldest Story in the World, Narrated by Aurora Dalton
"The Epic of Gilgamesh" is an ancient tale that tells the story of a king, Gilgamesh, and his friend, Enkidu, as they embark on a journey of
The Sumerian Gilgamesh Epic, The Oldest Story in the World, Narrated by Aurora Dalton
Planet X, Planet 9, Nibiru and the Sumerian Anunnaki
The Anunnaki in Sumerian Mythology, Gods, Origin & History
Links Between the Nephilim Fallen and Angels and Mesopotamian Apkallu
Mysterious Igigi and the Anunnaki Overlords
Enlil God of Air Discovery
Enki, the Anunnaki Pantheon's Most Formiddable Deity
Why is Enki so important to Sumerian Mythology
Inanna. Ishtar. The Mesopotamian Goddess
Ancient Cuneiform Writing in Ancient Mesopotamia
Sumerians Cosmology and the Universe
Archaeologists and Mesopotamia
Mesopotamia Mysteries
Marveling at the “Great Ziggurat of Ur”
Part IV: Gilgamesh!
Pine Cones in Ancient Mesopotamia