Apkallu Baghdad Museum
The terms apkallu has multiple uses, but usually refers to some form of wisdom; translations of the term generally equate to English...
Apkallu Baghdad Museum
Zincirli (Sam'al) - Hittite Excavations
Hittite Apkallu Birdman with Winged Disc
Stone Carved Weight from Assyria
A Kassite / Mitanni Kudurru Boundary Stone
Apkallu Wannabe of the Ancient World ?
Assyrian Apkallu Armlet - The Secret Ritual
Pine Cone Held by an Apkallu but Why?
Apkallu Mace Mystery Solved
Suppiluliuma I - King of the Hittite Empire
Winged Apkallu from Nimrud Humanoid Being
Protective spirit or Apkallu
Decoding the Apkallu
The Phoenicians - Master Mariners
Darius I
Persian Luristan bronzes
Statue of Gudea
Mesopotamian Inscribed Stand Head